What is Sustainability?


Sustainability is exactly what it sounds like, a way of living that can sustain itself indefinitely, or as close to indefinite as there is.  A sustainable lifestyle is all about being aware of how each of your actions impacts the world around you.  This means not creating trash or waste and not destroying the resources nature provides us with.  Having this sense of awareness isn’t something were used to in our modern society, where everything is “taken care of” for us.  However, it’s an important thing to have as it allows us to see connections we didn’t see before and pinpoint the issues that need to be solved.  For example, many people who are interested in protecting the environment organize beach cleanups as a way to get rid of the trash that winds up on beaches and can damage the ecosystems there.  While these beach cleanups have good intentions, they don’t really solve the problem, and a month or so later, the beach is once again filled with trash.  So how do we stop this perpetual cycle?  We live in a consumerist society, where everything is bought in supermarkets and excessively packaged.  This packaging is then thrown away and often winds up in oceans and rivers.  If we start living more sustainably as a community by buying whole, locally sourced, unpackaged food and goods, we can stop this perpetual cycle.


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