Sustainability Thought Bubble #1

Sustainability is not just buying a metal straw or a reusable water bottle - it’s a mindset of being interconnected with the planet and it’s systems, and understanding how every action affects these systems. If you can see yourself not as superior to or more intelligent than nature, but rather a part of it, as necessary as any other being, but not more, you will be sustainable. Humans struggle with this view - we’re so used to seeing ourselves at the center of everything. This ideology has been engrained in us over the course of our species’ history, and we like to think this way because it makes us feel special, it makes us feel important and needed and like our life matters. Which is not to say that it doesn’t, but everything matters, and so therefore nothing matters. Of course from our own perspective our life matters because it’s us, but if we can break out of our individual view of the world, and see it from the perspective of the universe, we’ll find that our needs do not to “deserve” to be met anymore than anything else’s. So when we then think beyond our needs to our wants, how ridiculous is it to demand goods or lifestyles we want, many of which serve no real purpose besides instant gratification, at the expense of others’ needs?